Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trinity Litter Piling Up Behind Trinity Falls By Gateway Park

Some rain fell last night. So, this morning the Trinity River was flooding over Trinity Falls by Gateway Park. And an awful lot of litter had piled behind the kayak dock.

A week ago, today, 40 some foolishly brave souls were floating on inner tubes in this litter filled river.

Today, along with the litter, a big tree was stuck on top of the dam/trail bridge that crosses the Trinity.

In the distance you can see the Fort Worth Space Needle that sits on top of Mount Tandy. It was likely too muddy to go hiking on the Tandy Hills today. Which is why I took a Gateway walk on my way to Town Talk.

It is in the low 80s, but, that was one humid, muggy walk today. I especially appreciated the Town Talk walk-in cooler. Just a sec, I'll check what the humidity and Heat Index currently is.

Well, I'm surprised. It is currently 84.3, humidity at 57%, with a Heat Index of 88. It felt way hotter than that.

A cold front is supposed to blow in soon. Tonight, or tomorrow, I don't remember.

As I was walking towards the exit from Gateway Park to look at Trinity Falls, a familiar noise came to my ears. The sound of loud diesel engines pumping water. I'd forgotten about the big water sucking operation on the south side of the river.

As I crossed the footbridge to the Trinity Trail, a familiar sight came in to view. Two white pick-ups. I was not close enough to read if the trucks had the Express Energy logo on them. I suspect they did. When I snapped some pictures a guy got out of one of the trucks. It was all seeming way too deja vu to me.

But, I was fairly certain, in this instance, I was in very little danger of having a close encounter with a menacing truck.

Until the vexing wet stuff mucked up the outdoors, my plan today was to go on a ride on my two-wheeled auto-locomotion device. More rain is expected to do some more wetting. I'm sure it will eventually dry out again.

I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I have some other matters I need to attend to. I'll leave you with a look at Trinity Falls, looking west. I am almost 100% certain that is not an adventurous inner tuber that you see out in the middle of the river.

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