Friday, September 3, 2010

A Cold Front Begins To Cool Long Hot North Texas

We are looking through the bars of my prison cell, I mean, bars of my patio railing, at the extreme darkness surrounding the swimming pool on this, the 3rd day of September.

It is almost chilly out there. 70 degrees, heading towards a newly lowered predicted low for today of 58. 58 is going to feel downright chilly. I have long pants out and ready to wear.

There is a chance of dampness today. I hope that holds off until I complete my 2nd bike ride since becoming, once more, wheel-empowered.

I have a lot of webpage making to get done, after being thrown out of that endeavor by computer woes that past couple days.

But. Before I get to that, I am going swimming in the dark. Clothing optional.

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