Monday, September 6, 2010

Miss Puerto Rico's Nephew Oscar Meets With President Obama

Last night over at Miss Puerto Rico's the big news was about President Obama.

Last week the President had been in El Paso. He visited the troops at Fort Bliss.

Miss Puerto Rico's brother, Tito, is in the army. He served 2 tours in Iraq. Tito is currently stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.

Tito is married to Sonia. Sonia was a beauty queen in Puerto Rico. If I remember right, she was runner up in the Miss Puerto Rico contest. I have met Sonia. She is definitely beauty queen material.

Sonia and Tito have 3 kids, Jose, Fernando and Oscar. I have met the kids. Oscar is the youngest and a real smart little guy.

When President Obama came to El Paso, 2 El Paso school kids were selected to meet the President. Oscar was one of the 2 kids.

The meeting took place on the Fort Bliss base. Tito was able to attend. Sonia was not allowed. So, Tito used his smart phone to stream video of their son meeting the President of the United States, to Sonia, then Sonia sent text message updates to Miss Puerto Rico.

I do not know what President Obama and Oscar talked about. I think Oscar would make a good advisor to President Obama. I think the President could use some good advice.

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