Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Incoming Hurricane Hermine Brings Rain While Fried Frito Pie Wins Big Tex Choice Award As Best Taste At The State Fair of Texas

I stepped outside to take a picture on this, the first Tuesday of September, and was surprised to find myself being hit by falling blobs of water.

Hurricane Hermine crossed into Texas yesterday. We are under a Flash Flood Alert through Thursday due to the expected big dose of rain from Hermine. But, I did not expect it to arrive already.

Maybe this morning's drops are not courtesy of Hermine, but a Hermine pre-cursor.

Meanwhile, over in Dallas, at the State Fair of Texas Fair Park Fairgrounds the Big Tex Choice Award winners were announced yesterday.

Texas Fried Frito Pie won the coveted top award of Best Taste. While Fried Beer was picked as Most Creative.

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