Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Have Now Seen Rascal, The Cute Doggy Formerly Known As Shitzu

As I returned to my abode from the Tandy Hills I saw the nice lady who took in the Homeless Nice Doggy I mentioned several weeks back, out walking her 3 dogs.

I hopped out of my vehicle and asked if I could take a picture of the former Shitzu.

And so I did.

The three dogs are quite a handful for their handler.

When I was talking to the handler I had it in my mind that the dog in the middle was Shitzu, I mean, Rascal. The dog in the middle took the most interest in me, with a lot of barking, so it seemed natural to think that dog was Shitzu.

The doggy on the right just seemed to be smiling at me.

When I got the pictures off the camera I realized I did not know which one was Rascal for sure. So, I went back and found the pre-groomed Rascal and realized Rascal is the nice, no longer homeless, doggy on the right.

Rascal's new mom told me he adjusted very quickly. There were no house training issues.

Her two Schnauzers were a bit unaccepting of Rascal, at first, but then in the middle of the night, by day 2 or 3, Rascal and one of the Schnauzers were having themselves a real fine time playing. Within a few more days the second Schnauzer joined in.

Rascal is very happy in his new home. When his new mom sits down, Rascal is on her lap in an instant. When Miss Puerto Rico drops in for a visit, Rascal thanks her for helping him by giving her several affectionate head nudges.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news and kudos to Rascal's mom for adopting him.
