Sunday, September 5, 2010

Having Fun Getting Overstimulated On The River Legacy Park Mountain Bike Trail

I have now had my first mountain bike ride in over a year. I went to River Legacy Park today around noon. The mountain bike trail has become very popular. The parking lot was almost full. A lot of bikers were hanging out in groups. It was being like the parking lot at the Slick Rock Trailhead in Moab.

The previous time I went a long time without mountain biking was due to the trails being badly damaged by storms. The River Legacy trails were flooded, that time, with a lot of wind damage.

If I remember right the flood/wind damage kept me off the River Legacy trails for a long time, maybe 6 months. I remember when I first pedaled there again I had trouble with the first drop, wobbled and had to jump off the bike. It was only on my second time around, that time, that I got my mountain bike legs back.

Well, today it was like I'd not been off my bike for a year. I sailed down the first drop and zipped up the other side. Same with the next drop. I was being sort of amazed at how much obviously stronger I am being. I had no idea.

Mountain biking was being way funner than I remembered. It is way more intense than pedaling on a smooth paved trail. On a mountain bike trail, particularly one like River Legacy, you have to be constantly alert, lest you run into a tree or miss a curve. It's very stimulating.

I'm thinking testing out my new power legs on the Cedar Hills State Park Dorba Trails would be interesting. I used to go there all the time. But, nowadays it seems foolish to drive 50 miles, round trip, to ride a bike.

I went 11.934 miles today, in an hour and 12 minutes, plus some seconds, the number of which I have forgotten.

When I pedaled the River Legacy Park paved trail a couple days ago, a few miles in, I discovered my mesh shorts had developed a malfunction. Today a few miles in I made the same discovery about another pair of biking shorts. I bought a new pair at Wal-Mart on my way back here. We'll see how long they last without an unfortunate splitting.


  1. So whose derriere is too ample? All this shorts buying could send you to the poor house.

  2. Betty Jo, I share your concern that my derrière has grown too ample. I was wearing long pants a couple days ago and the fit was surprisingly snug. Previously a belt would have been required.
