Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chilly Early Sunday Morning In Texas Getting De-Flocked & Chrome

A few minutes ago a bird gave a false alarm tweet announcing the arrival of the sun on the first Sunday of September. But, I think we are about a half hour away from that glowing orb doing its daily duty of lighting up the place.

And heating up the place. It is 67.7 out there right now. I had to shut the windows and turn off the ceiling fan last night, due to shivering.

I had myself some major nightmare related tossing and turning last night. So much tossing and turning that I've got myself some major muscle soreness going on this morning.

I am hoping the major muscle soreness is alleviated by a salubrious swim this morning. If the major muscle soreness is not alleviated by swimming I don't see a bike or hike expedition in my future for the day.

On a totally unrelated note, I have switched to using the Google Chrome browser. It seems to work way better than the Flock browser I had been using.

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