Thursday, August 19, 2010

Walking Around Fosdic Lake Enjoying The Neon Green Color & Interesting Fragrance

I did not do any outdoor aerobicizing endorphin creating activity yesterday besides swimming and marveling at the interesting variations of humanity waddling through the Hurst Wal-Mart Supercenter.

With little walking yesterday, by today, with my swimming pool not swimmable due to getting shocked, I was starting to get cranky, so I went to Oakland Lake Park to walk around the incredibly green Fosdic Lake.

I don't mean green in the use of the green word which means environmentally friendly. In this case green means the opposite of environmentally friendly.

Fosdic Lake is very polluted and has turned a very unnatural shade of green. The turtles don't seem to mind. But I saw no birds on Fosdic Lake today. A few were in the shade on shore.

In addition to Fosdic Lake's new neon green color it seems to have developed a bit of a fragrance. I would not say it smelled bad, I also would not say it smelled good. I would say it definitely smelled different.

I managed to overheat walking again today. All I had on were shorts and shoes. And I was drenched. I saw a guy jogging. He appeared to be in good shape. He was not drenched in sweat. And we were similarly attired.

As I sat on a picnic table, in the shade, trying to put a stop to all the water leaking from my pores, a lady walked by. Plus-sized. In sweatpants and what appeared to be a long sleeved sweatshirt, with another shirt underneath. Even though she did not appear to be a sweaty mess, I told her she was overdressed. She laughed and told me this was how she kept cool.

That is the view from the picnic table in the second picture. As you can see, Fosdic Lake has shrunk, with the creation of beaches, in addition to turning green. This is at the south end of the sad lake, looking west.

The cash strapped City of Fort Worth seems to have found some money to do some work at Oakland Lake Park. A cement stairway has been removed. With the chunks piled on what kids use as a soccer field. The removed cement stairway was a bit uneven, maybe someone tripped on it. The wood planks on the bridges across ditches have been replaced.

It's Thursday. I think my neighborhood library might be open today.

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