Friday, August 20, 2010

Two Days In A Row Under 100 In North Texas

That white round thing in the picture is the top of a table out on my patio, as viewed from my bedroom window. Beyond the table is the pool, which I will be wet in, in a few minutes.

I got up after the sun this morning. That does not happen too often. Events conspired to keep me up late last night. Up having myself a real fine time.

Today is the 20th day of August. We are 2/3rds through the month. The majority of August has seen a daily temperature over 100.

But yesterday, and the day before, we did not see the century mark. That means we are on Day 2 in a Row under 100.

Yesterday, around 4 in the afternoon, a few drops of rain hit my window. I thought it was a precursor to a downpour, but nothing else poured down.

I am heading to Arlington this morning to get that vexing emissions test done. It grows tiresome driving and always wondering if I'm about to see flashing lights in my rear view mirror.

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