Monday, August 16, 2010

Virtually Visiting The Queen Of Wink On Her Throne

I mentioned earlier today that I took another virtual trip to West Texas, this morning, to Monahans and Monahans Sandhills State Park.

I did not mention that I took a virtual sidetrip, to Wink, for a quick virtual visit with the very virtuous Queen of Wink.

The Queen of Wink received me on her throne.

I was a bit surprised to make note of the rather un-regal nature of the Queen's throne.

It appeared to be made of plastic.

I am almost 100% certain the Queen of England's throne is not made of plastic.

Now, I think a plastic throne would be just fine for an old krone like the Queen of England. But Wink has a Beauty Queen as its Queen and a plastic throne is just wrong.

I guess I will have to make it a project of mine to get the Queen of Wink a proper throne, suitable for seating her royal derriere in plush comfort.

I'm thinking I should make a non-virtual trip out to West Texas and Wink and be King for a Day. Or something like that.

1 comment:

  1. You tease me so, Mr. Durango! If only you'd tear yourself away from those Tandy Hills and visit the "plush hills" here in Wink...I would be forever in your debt. Really, I wouldn't need a comfy chair...your lap would be suitable ;-)
