Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 18 Over 100 In North Texas

You are looking at the view out my bedroom window, with me getting up after the sun.

Yesterday's cold front did not arrive, with its predicted breaking of the day after day after day of being over 100 degrees in North Texas.

Instead of getting colder, we got HOTTER. As in at 3pm yesterday, at the official temperature measuring station at D/FW International Airport, it hit 102, with the Heat Index hitting 113, due to an increase in humidity brought by the clouds that were supposed to bring the chill, but instead dropped very few bits of wetness.

So, we are at Day 17 in a row over 100, with today scheduled to be Day 18 and off to a good start with a morning temperature of 80 at a little past 7.

I have no idea what I am doing today. If it gets windy I may be doing some Tandy Hills hiking.

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