Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sitting By A Texas Bayou Talking To My Sister In Hoodsport Thinking About Anonymous Morons

Up early this morning, swimming soon after the sun arrived. Made webpages all morning. Took off to Village Creek Natural Historic Area, to walk to my favorite contemplation spot, sitting on a picnic table to look out at the Village Creek Bayou.

And contemplate.

This used to be a big pond filled with water. It is where I saw my first cluster of water moccasins. I don't know if any water moccasins live in the pond's current bayou format.

After I got bored contemplating I called my Big Sister. My Big Sister is rarely home on weekends, so when I call I never know where she will be. This time it was Hoodsport, on Hood Canal, staying at her place at Lake Cushman.

I got a long happy birthday letter yesterday from my favorite aunt, Auntie A. Auntie A. is left handed. All the oldest in the various family units of my relatives are left-handed. As far as I know. I don't know if the youngest, Spencer Jack, is left-handed. My sister told me Spencer Jack is being real fun to play with. And he talks a lot now. I last saw Spencer Jack a little over 2 years ago. He was not yet 2, then.

I forgot to ask my sister if Spencer Jack is left-handed.

That is Spencer Jack sitting with my ex-wife, Loretta, in the picture. They are at Bay View State Park, in Washington. Spencer Jack is so-named because someone advised my nephew that you can not go wrong naming your kid after your richest relative. So, Spencer is named after my ex-wife, which might clue you in as to her last name.

My dad gave Spencer Jack the Jack part of his name. My dad is rich in character. My nephew made a good name choice.

Everyone, including me, thinks Spencer Jack is such a cute kid.

Everyone, except, I knew this moron, a couple years ago, who actually said to me the only reason I think Spencer Jack is so cute is because he is from my tribe.

I was told this after the moron commented about a friend of hers having an ugly grandbaby. I remember thinking what an awful thing to say, and then I said something like I guess they can't all be cute like Spencer Jack. That is when the moron said the idiotic tribe thing. It goes without saying I no longer speak to this miscreant. What makes the tribe comment really amusing, as it pertains to this particular moron, is the fact that her tribe would be known as the Fat Ugly Big Mouth Tribe, if any still existed. I believe she's the last living member of the Fat Ugly Big Mouth Tribe.

Darwinian selection works.

Okay, now this blogging is going to turn even stranger. So, I talked to my sister for maybe a half an hour. Had a real nice chat. Got back here, made lunch, ate, then woke up the computer to write the blogging you are reading right now.

I saw incoming comments to the blog. One was from the ubiquitous Anonymous. It is a disturbing comment. I did not hit the "Publish" button on it. This is what Anonymous commented...

"Glad to hear that Nephew JR's heart condition has improved. He may be the only family relative who has been doctor ordered off such stimulants....the rest of the family seems to be hooked on heavy depresents, perticulary alcohol. This must be a deeply troubled bunch of folkes. Have you considered DNA testing to affirm that you too are a part of this stimuli/depresent thrill seeking family who never appears happy with their current state and must alter such with chemicals?"

I've not yet solved the mystery of who the Anonymous Relative was, who commented on my birthday blogging, saying I was wise, among other things. And now this?

I would suspect the aforementioned moron as the comment source, due to the multiple misspellings and redundancies, like "family relative." But I don't think it's the moron. Even though that particular moron can be amazingly hypocritical, I don't even think she'd have the gall to make comments about anyone else being medicated, due to the fact that she is constantly dosed with heavy duty meds to somewhat control her rages and irrational impulses.

Whoever Anonymous is, the person is sadly misinformed. DNA testing, years ago, proved I am not related to my relatives. I think it was my little sister who insisted on DNA testing after I repeatedly set off a security alarm in her house. I know of none of my relatives on heavy depressants. There may be one or two who might consume more adult libations than they should. My mom and dad are total teetotalers.

Maybe Anonymous is privy to information I am not and my relatives are actually a deeply troubled bunch of folks, never happy with their current state and they just put on a jolly act for me whenever I talk to them.

It's all very perplexing. But one thing I do know for 100% certain, Spencer Jack is darn cute.


  1. That Spencer Jack kid is darn precious. If DNA testing confirmed that you grew from roots not worthy of a strong Dutch Lynden family surname, than you are a family imposter! The Oak Harbor relatives want all their travel expenses refunded from the Lynden fairground family fiasco gathering of years ago. I may have to check with my attorney...but family impostering may warrant a lucrative civil suit, especially if the family imposter was the event coordinator of such a family gathering. Hope your river float went there is no river in Oak Harbor...very jealeous....

  2. Anonymous, I want my travel expenses refunded from that Lynden Fairgrounds Fiasco too. If I remember right it cost me over $300 to fly in. I was an innocent bystander, not the event coordinator. Most of my suggestions were ignored by the one who was actually responsible for that fiasco.

    In Oak Harbor you are a closer drive to a floatable river than I am. San Marcos is a couple hundred miles south. My nearby river, the Trinity, is too polluted to float in. And you've got saltwater all around you. I'm 100s of miles from saltwater. So, it is me who has good reason to be very jealous of your location.

    I mentioned my anonymous commenter from Oak Harbor to my mom and the only relative she could come up with who she thinks may live on Whidbey Island has the same strong Dutch Lynden family surname as me. But, I can't see that particular person referring to that 2002 fiasco as a fiasco. Even though it was.

  3. Money can't buy you love? Which may be an inscrutable reference to your anon poster.

  4. Paul, that made absolutely no sense. Or I am just too dumb to understand an inscrutable reference. I suspect that is the problem...
