Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Am Going Swimming While We Go Over 110 Sunday In North Texas

I am going to be floating in that blue thing in a few minutes. It was 85 this morning out on the patio, sipping hot coffee, watching the sun start to light up Sunday.

Yesterday was 100 degree day 15 in a row in North Texas.

Today is expected to be the HOTTEST day of the summer, so far. Meteorologists at the National Weather Service in Fort Worth have predicted the Heat Index could go above 110 degrees today.

Apparently the wind prediction for today is for pretty much Dead Calm, thus no wind chill factor to counter act the HEAT.

Two years ago today I was shivering in Tacoma, with the shivering provided by Mother Nature, not air-conditioning. I think I prefer my shivering to be provided by Mother Nature, instead of a machine.

At this moment in Seattle it is 67, heading to a high today of 89. In Western Washington very few people have air-conditioning. But, when it gets hot in Western Washington, unlike North Texas, you can go on a short drive and be up in the Cascade Mountains, where it is much cooler. You can fairly easily get yourself on a nice cooling glacier. Or you can easily go wading in the cool waters of Puget Sound.

There are no glaciers I can drive myself to in Texas. I can drive myself to cool water, though, like down in San Marcos.

I think I'll have to make do with the lukewarm water of my pool.


  1. I think Friday was hotter. 106F actual temperature at FW Alliance Airport.

  2. Has a committee been formed to elect a chairperson for the a potential 2012 reunion? I suggest you would be the appropriate appointee, pending additional DNA tests. I'm not sure what kind of salary the position would offer, however, since you are 68, a salary may be problematic as it most likely will reduce your social security benefits.
