Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Mom's Happy Birthday In Eugene Oregon With My Texas Swimming Birthday Suit

You are looking at me and my mom and dad. In Yuma, Arizona, Christmas Day, a few years ago.

Today, 68 years ago, my mom had a happy birthday when her oldest baby was born, in Eugene, Oregon.

A few days ago a package arrived from my mom and dad. I had it on my to-do list to call my mom today, after I opened that package, but before I could do that mom called me, this morning.

I wished mom a happy birthday, told her I'd not opened the package yet. Said I would call later, after I had opened the package.

After I talked to my mom I got a comment to the earlier blogging about this being my Happy 68th Birthday. The comment was from Anonymous, claiming to be a relative of mine.

This is what Anonymous said...

Enjoy your 68th birthday, it just seems like you turned 56 a year ago, however....either way you are still one of my oldest (and for sure, wisest) living relatives.

To which I counter-commented....

Anonymous, you are a relative impostor. Your impostor-ness made obvious due to the fact that none of my living relatives think I'm wise. And, very kind of you to point out that I've aged 12 years since last year's calculation of my age.

To which Anonymous counter-counter-commented...

It takes a wise relative to recognize a wiser one!

When I got the Anonymous comment I saw the comment was made when someone who's IP address registers as Oak Harbor, Washington, was on the blog.

So, when I called my mom to thank her for the singing card, shirts, and other stuff, I asked what relative of ours lives in the Oak Harbor zone, or on Whidbey Island. The only names my mom came up with were very improbable perpetrators of the Anonymous comment. I asked my mom who among our relatives could possibly think me wise? My mom agreed that it seemed very far-fetched that such a relative existed.

Continuing with the birthday blogging theme. Today I've gotten some Happy Birthday messages delivered in electronic form other than a telephonic device.

The running theme seems to be me and my birthday suit. Tess S asked, "What about your birthday suit? Bev L asked, "What color is your birthday suit?" CVB suggested, "Now you can really take a swim in your birthday suit." Alice O asked, "Is it birthday suit all day? Covers eyes 'n giggles."

In addition to swimming in my birthday suit it's been suggested I get a massage to relieve my extreme tensions, go see a movie, veg out watching TV all day, while eating bon bons, go out for lunch, go out for dinner, I forget what else.

Thank y'all for the suggestions. As you can see I heeded the birthday suit swim suggestion. While snorkeling. In addition to the birthday suit swimming I went out for lunch. I have not had any bon bons, nor will I. I'm really not all that certain I know what a bon bon is.

I need to go back outside and brave the 106 degree Heat Index. I will not be able to wear my birthday suit on this particular outdoor operation as it involves going into a place of business that would frown upon someone being way too comfortable in the HEAT.


  1. Your Oak Harbor mystery relative was quite amused that he made todays blog. Such an honor....esp it being your 68th Bday.....enjoy your golden years!

  2. Few things please me more than amusing an anonymous relative.

  3. Oh my, I have not seen that side of your before Durango.

  4. Betty Jo, are you forgetting a moonlit skinnydip at Bay View? I think it was you who suggested a birthday suit swim was needed.

  5. Didn't forget the moonlit swim, but it wasn't a skinnydip, twas an undie-dip--big difference....and do you always do what I suggest?

  6. Betty Jo, I guess we differ in our memory of swimming under the moonlight at Bay View. And yes, I always do what you suggest, because you are always right.
