Wednesday, August 4, 2010

J.D. Granger's Trinity River Happy Hour Tubing Party

UPDATE: Thursday, August 26, J.D. Granger's Trinity River Happy Hour Float Took Place.

I was driving the Grapevine Highway today, after leaving Tarrant County College, and glanced over at the waterpark known as NRH20. This is in North Richland Hills, hence the name.

I snapped the photo you see here as I drove by.

I saw a pool that seemed uncomfortably crowded. And a lazy river that looked like it was having an inner tube jam. Way too many people in way too little lazy river.

And then I got back here and was surprised to see inner tubes as a subject in a different watery venue.

The Fort Worth Business Press has an article today that pretty much pulls down the pants of Fort Worth's nepotism loving Congresswoman, Kay Granger's son, J.D. Granger, who the Fort Worth good ol' boy network installed as the executive director of the bizarre, non-public works project, known as the Trinity River Vision Boondoogle and exposes just what a total dumb ass this guy is.

J.D. claims interest in the TRV Boondogggle has picked up, with out of state investors interested.

J.D. says, “What we’ve found is that the big funds, the national funds want big plans, they don’t want projects with small plans, they want ones with 10-year plans. And that pick-up has been significant, about one group every week and a half.”

Yeah, that makes sense. National funds want big plans. No small plans for national funds. You need really big 10 year plans if you want to snag national funds for a boondoggle.

Apparently it surprises J.D. when he learns that someone with national funds is not aware of the TRV Boondoggle. I suppose the surprise comes from the fact, in J.D.'s mind, the TRV Boondoggle is a BIG plan, one so BIG, national funds want it. After they know about it. Whatever national funds are.

It was at the end of the article where J.D. pulled his pants down and revealed what a total dumbass he is.

First off, for you who are not in the Fort Worth zone, the Trinity River runs through Fort Worth. The Trinity River is very polluted. It is usually very muddy. There are very clear, beautiful rivers in Texas, like the San Marcos River and the Guadalupe River. Those rivers are big tourist attractions with thousands floating down the rivers on inner tubes.

With that in mind I must copy the last 5 paragraphs of the Fort Worth Business Press article for your amusement.....

"In an effort to highlight the completion of one such project, Granger said the Trinity River Vision will host a ‘happy hour’ floating event.

The floating event will begin on Aug. 26 at the soon-to-be completed portion of the Trinity Trails between Rogers Road and the Fort Worth Zoo and river passengers will float to Trinity Park, where they will be transported back to the starting place.

“This will be the site of a future canoe launch and we thought it would be a great spot for a tube float,” Granger said. “We own a bus so we’ll take people back to their cars after they float our river, just like in San Marcos.”

Granger said the river floating event is open to the public."

As you can see in the picture of J.D. Granger, above, he likes Happy Hour.


A Floating Happy Hour event on the Trinity River? Tubing on the Trinity River?

This is the most insane thing I've seen involving the Trinity River, other than the TRV Boondoggle, since Fort Worth's reality challenged mayor, Mike Moncrief, tried to dye the river purple. Ironically, just a short distance from where J.D. Granger wants to have his happy hour tubing party.

Is it not time that adults were put in charge of Fort Worth?


  1. He's as nutso as his momma.

  2. He's as financially well-off as his momma, too. Since you're likely the first to sign up, Dango: is this water boarding festivity clothing-optional?-- considering that JD and his momma are robbing the clothes off our backs to pay for their Vision/Illusion.

  3. Speaking of texas rivers, you ought to take a road trip to the least known, cleanest and remotest river in Texas: The Devil's River. I dipped in it a couple years ago and I'm still feeling the healthful effects. It's way down near del Rio but miles away from civilization. Almost heaven.

  4. I miss the faux paddle wheel boat that used to navigate that stretch of the Trinity. It was called The Luv Boat I think.

    One time the boat's small outboard motor crapped out and The Luv Boat got hung up on a spillway near I-30. It was full of kids at the time too. Fortunately the boat did not fall over the spillway.

    I hope this hasn't already been covered at the regular Durango Texas website.

  5. J.D. is a great guy. Loosen up a little.
