Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hot In Fort Worth Cold In Seattle

The above is from this morning's Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Those are tourists on the deck of a ferry in Seattle's Town Lake, known as Elliott Bay. Elliott Bay was not built by the good ol' boy network that runs Seattle, because Seattle does not have a good ol' boy network that runs it. Elliott Bay is not the result of a bizarre public works boondoggle that the public did not vote for. Elliott Bay is provided by Mother Nature as part of Puget Sound, which is part of the Pacific Ocean.

This morning's article in the P-I was lamenting the unusually cold summer the Puget Sound area is experiencing. Apparently yesterday was very foggy until sometime around noon, when the sun managed to burn off the fog.

Two years ago, at about this exact date, I was up in the Seattle zone realizing I'd made a HUGE mistake in planning to stay for an entire month. At this point in time I still had 17 days to go before my scheduled escape back to sanity. I was so disgruntled I tried to get an early flight back, but in my confused, disgruntled state I was not thinking all that clearly and did not realize how easy Southwest Airlines would have facilitated my escape, til I told my Phoenix sister of my desperation when she called the day of my escape to ask how happy I was to be escaping.

The summer month of 2008 I did not bring cold weather clothes with me. I only had one pair of long pants. No sweat pants. No long underwear. No long sleeved shirts. No coat.

After about 2 weeks of watching me shiver my little sister took pity on me and came home with a coat she bought me at Costco. It is a wonderful coat. I wore it to bed nightly to help stave off the shivering. It helped.

This morning in Texas it is 80, heading to a high of 105. My air conditioner is currently keeping the interior temperature at 82. In Seattle the temperature this morning is 58, heading to a high of 75, 7 degrees colder than my air conditioned temperature.


  1. We have had ZERO summer this year! I don't miss the temps in Fort Worth, tho. But my son is there, and he just LOVES it. I don't even visit in summer. Maybe October!

  2. MLK---I have learned to like the HEAT too, which is my #1 surprise in moving here, because I was a Washington Weather Baby whenever it got above 80. Never dreamed I'd be able to have fun in the sun over 100. But, this summer is being different. Until yesterday, very very humid. The HEAT has now dried out the air. But the air pollution is bad. I find myself sneezing way too much.
