Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Having Fun With A Chase Bank ATM Before Tandy Hills Hiking

It has not hit 100 yet. I had to go to the bank, so since it is near the hills, I hiked after I banked. Only 96 when I hit the Tandy Hills.

Speaking of the Chase Bank ATM check deposit mechanism. Using this thing has gotten much easier after multiple times of using it.


Today it took 6 tries for the ATM to successfully read my debit card.

When you get to the part where you stick a check in a slot, it tells you that you can deposit a stack of up to 20, or was it 30, checks. Now, the first time I made a deposit in this new machine it kept rejecting the check, due to me not sticking it in properly.

Today I had 2 checks to deposit. They were not the same size. I did not go with the stacking option. I deposited them separately. How does this thing sort through a stack of checks? I did not see any good coming from me trying to deposit a stack of 2 checks.

Anyway, after the banking adventure I was off to the Tandy Hills. A nice breeze was blowing, but I just could not get into heavy duty hiking mode. I'm thinking maybe I'm getting sufficient aerobicizing swimming, and so the endorphin fix need is not so dire.

Whilst on the Tandy Hills I looked for a Creek Plum Tree so I could pick me some and make a Don Young Creek Plum Tart. But I had no luck finding a Plum. Probably this is for the best. The last time I tried to make pie dough it ended up clogging up my garbage disposal. The last time was the only time I tried to make pie dough.

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