Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Washington Mountain Cowboys & A Returned Iraq Soldier

No. That is not a group of Texas cowboys huddled around a fire somewhere in the Piney Woods region of Texas.

These particular cowboys and cowgirls set up camp about a week ago in the North Cascades of Washington State, after a 4 hour horse ride from their launch pad somewhere near Winthrop at the eastern end of the North Cross State Highway.

The cowgirl closest to the camera is also known as the Scrabble Queen of Washington. There is no Wi-Fi deep in the Cascade Mountains, so I had a brief respite from getting beaten at Scrabble.

Speaking of Washington girls, but not of the cowgirl sort. Today I called Miss McP. I'd not been able to reach her for quite some time. Miss McP moved to Oklahoma about a month before I moved to Texas. We have known each other since we were little kids. And at one point in time we shared a domicile.

Today Miss McP answered her phone. Only to say she could not talk right then because she was getting off a plane in Denver, to get on another plane to fly to North Carolina. She said she'd call me back when she made it to her next gate.

So, Miss McP did call back and we talked until she had to board her next plane. The airport was being very noisy, but I did manage to learn that Miss McP is flying to North Carolina to see her son who has returned from a year in Iraq. This was not his first tour of duty in Iraq. Also in North Carolina are Miss McP's 3, or is it 4, grandkids.

To me it seems very wrong to send a kid, with 3 or 4 kids, to Iraq. I think if a president decides, or in the Iraq case, deciders, that we need to invade some random country for specious reasons, that that president can only do so if his own kids, who are old enough to be in the military, are enlisted and sent to the war zone along with the thousands of other kids the president is sending off in harm's way. This type caveat might have a sobering effect on the judgment of a president who might not otherwise think all that soberly.

Of course, this type rule would not apply in World War II type war situations.

I must go play Scrabble now. And then have lunch.

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