Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Return Of The Texas Moon With Incoming Rain & Lovebirds

The sun somehow got up before I did, this last Thursday of July. When I made it out to my lit up balcony I was pleased to see that some of the light was being provided by the long missing moon.

I have my windows open, again, this morning. It is only 73 degrees cold right now at about 7 in the morning.

I am skipping my morning swim today for a variety of reasons.

Betty Jo Bouvier is thinking about blogging, but is reluctant due to the erroneous notion she does not have anything to blog about. Betty Jo is known as the Wild Woman of Woolley. She frequently has accidents involving explosive fires. She tours California wineries on a Segway, is currently in wedding planning mode, obsessively shops for shoes and yet somehow thinks she does not have anything to blog about.

My lovebirds, Albert and Alice are out on their branch, cooing. I think they are being happy because the cicadas are not making any noise. That and the birdseed I left them on the table on my patio. The Queen of Wink gave me a Texas-themed birdhouse last year. Maybe I should set it on the table for Albert and Alice to take up residence.

The National Weather Service amped up our chance of rain to 60% for today. Yesterday we had a 30% chance of getting wet. About 4, yesterday afternoon, the temperature did suddenly drop about 15 degrees and a few drops of water did fall. But not enough to get anything wet. At least in my location.

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