Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Very HOT 100 Degree Blissful Saturday In Fort Worth Texas

Well. As predicted, we got over the Century Mark today. According to WeatherBug, 103 was the high.

I got back here about 6 and woke up my computer. I saw WeatherBug was flashing 102 in red. I hit the WeatherBug button to pop open the program so I could do a screen cap, but before I could do that WeatherBug had refreshed with the current chilly temperature of 100.

This morning, to escape the HEAT, I took a cool virtual trip down to Huntsville, to check out "Ol' Sparky". Sparky being the electric chair we used to use to electrocute bad people here in Texas. Sparky fried 361 evildoers between 1924 and 1964. That is a lot of sparking.

The HEAT is seeming particularly HOT today. The A/C is getting a workout.

Around 3 I felt the need to be out in it. Why? I really don't know, besides the fact it makes me feel good. But, I did not want to go all aerobic in hike mode. Instead I went to Oakland Lake Park where I could sit under a tree and look at peaceful Fosdic Lake.

But, upon arrival, my favorite picnic table was occupied. Someone was having a big BBQ, complete with one of those blow up jump houses. So, I drove to the other side of the lake. It is not a long drive. There is a picnic table in the shade on that side. And it too was being used. This was unprecedented. The second picnic table was also having a BBQ party, this one birthday themed, complete with HAPPY BIRTHDAY spelled out on a string strung between trees.

I had one more picnic table option. Not my favorite location. No view of Fosdic Lake. But it is in the shade. So I sat myself down, unloaded my water bottle supply from my backpack, got out my book and proceeded to read.

At about the hour mark I went into some strange sort of bliss mode. It was quite relaxing. I recommend it. Reading outdoors, under shade, when it is over 100 degrees. It does not even look HOT in the picture, does it? Just peaceful, cool and serene.

I'd go swimming again, but I really overdid it this morning. In a good way.

See you in the morning. I'm in Saturday night mode now. Whatever that means.

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