Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Morning In Texas Thinking About The 9 Flags Over Nacogdoches

As you might guess by looking at the view from my patio, as I sit there drinking coffee, this Sunday morning of July 18, the sun got up before I did.

I don't remember precisely what I was doing Saturday night, but it must have been very tiring.

It is currently 80.5 at half past 6. The forecast has been altered from the predicted high of 102 for today. The current forecast is for the high today to be the relatively chilly 98.

Yesterday, to temporarily escape the HEAT, I took a virtual trip to Huntsville, virtually stopping in Fairfield for the buffet at Sam's Original Restaurant & BBQ.

I discovered Sam's years ago on the way to Houston. It's my favorite buffet I've found in Texas. It starts off real good with a small hot loaf of whole wheat bread with real butter. And ends real good with coconut cake. In between there is real good Texas/Southern food, some of it BBQed, some of it fried.

This morning, before it gets too HOT, I think I'll take a virtual trip to the oldest town in Texas, Nacogdoches. A town that has been under even more flags than Texas. Or Poland. Added to the Six Flags that have flown over Texas, flying over Nacogdoches were also the flags of the Magee-Gutierrez Republic, the Long Republic and the Fredonia Republic.

Mystery republics I've not heard of before.

While I ponder the 9 Flags over Nacogdoches I think I'll go for my Sunday morning swim.

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