Friday, July 9, 2010

Up Before The Texas Sun Again Thinking About Betty Jo Bouvier Not Being Memorable Among Other Things

Up early again. You can see there is some illumination beginning to light up the view from my patio. Not enough illumination, yet, to tell if we are under a cloud cover.

The Fort Worth police officer, who suffered bad head injuries in yesterday's chase/crash, remains in critical condition. It is now known the injured officer lost control of his cruise moments after he joined the chase.

The 2 motorcyclists who had been chased from Mansfield managed to successfully escape capture.

I thought that only happened in the movies.

I'm feeling bad this morning about Betty Jo Bouvier suddenly feeling like she is not memorable. This due to one singular instance of forgetfulness, by one individual, due to who knows what? In reality, Betty Jo is really quite memorable, even before she became the Wild Woman of Woolley.

Switching subjects to the weather. I had my windows open all night and the A/C off. In July. In Texas. Something ain't right about that. Meanwhile, last night, from an island in Washington, I got an email from a HEAT sufferer, so dismayed she was shouting in all CAPITAL letters about the HEAT.

Washington is scheduled to cool down by tomorrow. Texas is not scheduled to cool down tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or the day after that.

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