Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Pair Of Texas Lovebirds Living On My Balcony

This morning I was hearing no annoying cicada mating calls, but I was hearing some up close dove cooing. I do not know if dove cooing is a mating call. I do know it is less annoying than a cicada cacophony.

After I came back from swimming, putting my swimming suit out on a chair on the patio to dry, I looked up to see a pair of lovebirds had taken up residence on a branch very close to the balcony railing.

I thought they'd fly away by the time I got my camera.

I was wrong. Not only did they cooperatively pose, the pair has remained perched in the same location all morning.

All the rain in recent times has turned the usually hot and brown climate of North Texas sort of sub-tropical, with way too much humidity, a lot of lush greenery. And a lot of birds happily chirping.

I think I'll take off in a bit, going to the Post Office to mail a letter to my favorite Auntie, that is months overdue. And then on to Village Creek Natural Historic Area for a walk in the shade with the Ghosts of all the Indians who's lives were ruined and made miserable by invading undocumented illegal aliens called Texans.

I never tire of repeating that "invading undocumented illegal aliens called Texans" line.

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