Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Last Sunday Of July In Texas Thinking About Las Vegas & Crazy People

In the picture you are out on my patio looking at the last Sunday dawn of July 2010. The days of July 2010 seem to have disappeared very quickly. And now there are only 7 left.

We are almost downright chilly this morning. Only 76 degrees out there.

The water in the pool was noticeably cooler yesterday. Which was a good thing. It had been bordering on being too warm and losing its refreshing quality.

I hear no cicadas making their mating noise this morning. I don't know why they have to make so much noise going about that particular business. What if humans behaved similarly? It would be very unseemly.

Yesterday I saw fresh evidence of the mental illness of a nutcase I am so well rid of. I'm embarrassed I ever tolerated this particular individual. But, I guess I'm glad I have a tolerant nature. Up to a point. What is befuddling is that, apparently, there are others who do not see the obvious absurdity of this particular idiot's pathological lying. Even though, in the past, these particular others have made obvious, via joking about it, their awareness of this particularly peculiar idiot's peculiarly particular warps. Very perplexing. Yet, somehow, somewhat amusing.

Okay, enough with being cryptic.

I learned yesterday that rooms are costing over $500 a night at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. At Luxor, where I only paid $69 a night when I was last there, rooms now go for over $150. The last time I stayed at Excalibur, with my oldest nephews, I paid $49 a night. Excalibur is currently $129.

Buffets used to be a cheap loss leader to keep you in the casino losing money gambling. No more. No $5.99 lunch buffets. More like $16.99 at the cheapest.

The price rise in Las Vegas seems far ahead of what would be accounted for by the nominal inflation we've experienced the past 10 years.

Perplexing. But even though it's perplexing, I am in the mood for a Vegas trip. And the Rio buffet. I don't care if it's now over 20 bucks.


  1. Ouch on those prices. Where did you check? I just did a quick search on Travelocity (my employer) and didn't see anyone over $100 a night, except MGM.

  2. cd0103, the Queen of Wink mentioned how much a room cost at Caesars and I thought that can not be right. So, I checked, using a link from Ted Newkirk's Access Vegas email newsletter that's supposed to get you the best prices. I used the Queen's booking date, which is next weekend. That's how I came up with those prices. I've never gone to Vegas when I don't get real good deal, summer or winter, so, yeah, those prices made no sense to me either.

  3. Did you know that you can pay $39.99 for a 24 hour buffet in Vegas now?? You get to eat at 7 different casino buffets for one price! Harrahs, Flamingo, Caesars, Rio, Paris, Imperial Palace and Planet Hollywood!

    Now you really want to go!!!!

  4. Yikes! 7 buffets in 24 hours? I would explode!

  5. Let me know when you decide to go. I've been looking at taking a trip to Vegas, but I prefer to have a partner in crime.
    It just seems kind of pitiful doing the solo insanity thing. You have to promise not to rain on my party parade though.

  6. Garbo, I'm thinking you mean "pity" parade, not "party" parade. But, both work. I'm working on a Vegas plan. You're not gonna want to visit one of the legal brothels, are you? I'm thinking you'd like a show like Crazy Girls, if it's still running at the Riviera. It's a more sophisticated type show where clothes are removed than those I think you've likely seen in the D/FW zone.

  7. I'm down with both types of clothing optional joints.

    I'm of the opinion that man's entire historical achievement is based on seeing women naked. We invented fire and instead of thinking about cooking we said, "Now we can see naked women at night too!"

    And I do party until I'm pitiful. It's a flaw really.
