Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A July 6 Texas Morning Thinking About Gar's Googling & Feral Hogs

You are sitting out on my patio with me, drinking coffee, just after dawn cracked this first Tuesday of July.

As you can see, clouds have been totally removed from our North Texas sky. Or so it seems from my somewhat limited view of the horizon.

There was no early morning swimming for me today. The water in the pool is getting shocked. That means chemicals have been mixed in to keep the water crystal clear and sparkling.

This morning I read a shocking tale of Google Woes on Gar the Texan's Blog. Gar's shocking tale was in contrast with my Google experience this morning. I logged into my Google Account to find that yesterday's Google AdSense was the 2nd highest total ever.

This morning I read in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that the River Legacy Park feral hogs are getting out of control and are invading surrounding neighborhoods, wreaking havoc with gardens.

I have only seen a herd of River Legacy Park feral hogs one time. They were not very big. But, there was something a bit disturbing about seeing so many little pigs stampeding.

Apparently the City of Arlington Park People don't know what to do to get the feral hog population boom under control. Is hunting allowed in Texas? I think I've heard before that wild pigs make for a good BBQ.

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