Monday, July 5, 2010

Elsie Hotpepper Replaces Her Pink Peptomobile

Elsie Hotpepper picked me up for a late lunch today.

When she called Elsie told me we would not be riding in the Elsie Peptomobile. Because she had gotten rid of it.

Elsie told me to be looking for a bright yellow car, whilst I was standing at the appointed intersection waiting to be picked up.

I was not just a little surprised to see Elsie drive up behind the wheel of a yellow Bartmobile. It was still the same car. Just a new paint job.

Now, I've been a fan of The Simpsons from the very first episode. But I would not want do drive around in a Bartmobile.

But. Elsie Hotpepper is what we here in these parts call a character. So, I guess driving a Bartmobile fits in with that being a character thing.

So, what fine dining establishment did Elsie Hotpepper take me to?

Jack in the Box. The Drive-Thru Window. I don't even want to remember what I got out of that Jack in the Box window. Elsie had some errands to run, hence the lunch on the road. I am not a huge fan of eating while riding in a car.

But, I had no serious food malfunctions and spilled very little on myself or in the Bartmobile. I found myself a bit relieved to be dropped off, back here, an hour or so later. The Bartmobile made me nervous with Elsie Hotpepper behind the wheel.


  1. I saw the Bartmobile in east Fort Worth yesterday. If that was Elsie Hotpepper driving she looks like one tough broad!

  2. It was still the same car. Just a new paint job

    The Peptomobile was a Chevy Impala and the Bartmobile is a Ford Crown Victoria so, no, it is not the same car. Perplexing. I'm guessing neither car has ever been owned by your lady friend.

  3. Tug, I think I need to pay closer attention to detail and not believe everything Elsie Hotpepper tells me.
