Monday, June 14, 2010

A Plum Picking June Monday In Texas

You are looking out my computer room window on the day before the Ides of June, the second Monday of the month.

Half of June is almost gone. Time is accelerating. I would prefer that time would slow down and stop with the speeding.

I decided to give my decrepit, rapidly aging sore body a rest today and stay out of the pool and off of any hiking hills.

I do not know if this resolve will last the morning.

I had a semi-pleasant Sunday evening over at Miss Puerto Rico's. Until the police were called.

We were sitting out on Miss PR's balcony, enjoying the balmy breeze, when a pickup stopped on the road beneath us. Then 3 guys got out and started climbing up a tree. Then one of them lifted up a section of the wrought iron security fence.

By the time the police arrived we realized what the 3 guys were doing. They were picking fruit. Sad little sour excuses for plums. Apparently locals turn this sour fruit into jam. The police told the 3 guys to get out of the tree and be on their way. Which they proceeded to do, after putting the fence back together.

I think I'll go over to Miss Puerto Rico's today and pick me some plums and see if I can turn them into jam. How hard can that be?

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