Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Fort Worth Hiking Across The Texas Prairie of 1810

You are looking at my favorite vista deep within the Tandy Hills, this second Sunday of June. In this view we are looking north.

At this location you can almost make a 360 turn without seeing any sign of civilization. You are far enough from the freeway that you don't hear vehicle noise. The only sound is birds chirping.

It does not take much of an imaginative leap to think you are back in the pre-Texas of 1810, not 2010. That illusion would not have been possible if the thick smog of late had not been blown to Oklahoma.

The Queen of Wink went to Summer Mummers at the Yucca Theatre in Midland yesterday. The Queen's description made it sound fun, with a lot of popcorn and margaritas.

In the Queen of Wink's Summer Mummers Review she mentioned me and a joke, saying...

"I remembered this one joke for my buddy Durango. It goes like this, "How are Old Men and Good Coffee the same?" "They're RICH." I'm sure he'll appreciate that one."

I'm not even sure I get the joke, let alone appreciate it. I often have trouble understanding a joke. I think this trouble understanding a joke may be yet one more indicator of my extremely low IQ.

Elsie Hotpepper has gone missing. Again. She has not been heard from since Friday. I fear a Lost Weekend bender may be the explanation. I know saloon hopping was mentioned on Friday, soon before Elsie went missing.

It's always something.

1 comment:

  1. Well, dang it...I thought you'd help me get it too! When you get out this way we are gonna have to purchase tickets in the pit. It was a great experience and quite a riot!

    Spent an hour removing the butter and popcorn from all over. It's sorta like spending a day at the know how sand ends up places where it shouldn't be? Yeah...just like that.
