Saturday, June 12, 2010

Interrupting Richard Nixon With Incoming From AZMAPA

That's my cell phone sitting on a Richard Nixon book I'm reading, In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat and Renewal.

Last night I was tired. I decided to go to bed about 9:30. I'd barely put my ear plugs in, which I have to do to drown out the cacophony of noise, like an air conditioner turning off and on, when I heard, through the earplugs, the distant sound of a symphony.

It was my cell phone ringtone. I looked down at the phone, which was sitting on the Nixon book, to see it light up with incoming from "AZMAPA."

That means Arizona Ma & Pa.

If this had been an out of the blue call I would have been instantly worried a bad thing had happened. But, since I'd called my mom and dad earlier in the day, when I got gas, I figured it was mom calling back just to talk.

I was correct in my assumption.

Today my mom and dad start cat sitting duty for my sister who is flying up to Seattle for a month. I hope my sister is able to safely negotiate the Dens of Toxicity that one can find oneself in in that zone.

When I called earlier, mom and dad had been out and about enjoying finally having a day that was under 100 degrees.

Meanwhile, here in Texas, at 10am Saturday, it is chilly, compared to Phoenix, 83, windy and humid.

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