Friday, June 11, 2010

Calling Mom While Hiking The Hot Humid Hills Of Fort Worth

The wildflowers are still a-blooming on the Tandy Hills. I don't recollect if I'd seen this little lavender orchid-like guy before. I only saw him in one location, today, with the plant having, maybe, 10 orchid blooms.

I was really liking hiking the HOT HUMID HILLS today. A good strong breeze was blowing, thus countering the Heat Factor with some Wind Chill Factor.

I'm pleased to find myself finally acclimated to the HEAT. The fact that I'm acclimated raises the specter of being in Washington, in summer, again. And shivering the entire time. I'm sure I'd survive the shock. Again.

I got gas today, $2.41 a gallon, so I called my mom to tell her I got gas, how much it cost and how hot it was.

The temperature of the air, I mean, not the temperature of the gas.

But, mom did not answer the phone, which means mom and dad must be out and about, which is good. Usually when I call, when they are out and about, my mom calls me back when they get home. I suspect that is what will happen today.

I've been asked, a time or two, if my siblings call my mom when they get gas. I don't know, for sure, but I suspect not, since both siblings live close to mom and dad, and see them regularly. And thus can deliver their gas acquisition information in person.

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