Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is A Day Of Reckoning Coming For The Fort Worth Way & Its Good Ol' Boy Network Of Dirty Dealers?

If I have said it once, I have said it twice, I don't understand why more civil lawsuits do not find their way to a courtroom in this somewhat lawless zone of Texas which I find myself observing.

The City of Fort Worth orders Gestapo Stormtrooper type raids on a citizen because he had the gall to defend himself against the attack on his property. Yet, no legal action is taken to bring the miscreants, and those who gave them their assault orders, to justice.

And, now, today, Wednesday in Fort Worth, I find myself heartened to learn that there is one good citizen of Fort Worth, Adrian Murray, who is mad as hell at what the Ruling Oligarchy and the Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network did to him. And even though, to the Good Ol' Boy Network, what they did was simply The Fort Worth Way, to Adrian Murray it was, and is, a criminal assault on his integrity, livelihood, character and sense of well being.

Adrian Murray is demanding a retraction of the lies stated in a mailer sent to thousands of homes on behalf of the Leonard/Lane campaign, run by the corrupt Eppstein Group of Dirty Tricksters. Murray wants a full and complete retraction sent to those who received the damaging mailing. And unless this is done promptly, legal action will follow against the various perpetrators.

In part, Adrian Murray's retraction demand to John Randolph Thompson, Jr., of the Clean Water Committee (a Tarrant Regional Water District Board Shill Committee), says...

"Your mailer further asserts that I have a “dubious past” and a “lack of financial accountability.” As a respected business owner in Fort Worth with many clients and vendors here, my reputation and by extension that of my company have been seriously damaged due to your malicious and false mailer. I hereby demand a full and complete retraction by mail to the same recipients of the May 7 mailer be immediately made by the Clean Water Committee clearly stating that your allegations were made based upon false information. Failure to promptly do so will leave me no choice but to pursue vigorous legal action against you and your clients."

I am sitting here hoping, hoping hard, that Adrian Murray's feistiness, and willingness to right a wrong, becomes the New Fort Worth Way.


  1. Good for you, Adrian! It's about time that people pay for their underhanded deeds. It's amazing that the candidates felt that they had nothing to worry about, yet they resorted to last minute slander. You may not have won their seats, but you had them running scared. The public will be watching!

  2. When I phoned the law firm at the printed address on the yellow Voter Alert card a lovely lady at Shannon Gracey Ratliff Miller said she did not know a Clean Water Committee. She was curious how I found them. I guess she overlooked the Water District specialists on the Shannon Gracey web site. Apologize to Adrian Murray for lying about him. Your reputation is showing.
