Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hiking The Tandy Hills In Fort Worth With Native American Tootsie Tonasket

You are looking at a very shy red wildflower. It was hiding today, around noon, under other brushwork on the Tandy Hills. The blue bloom on the right is what caught my eye, and then I saw the little red blooms.

Yesterday I hiked the Tandy Sanatorium with a nice young lady from the Hawaiian Island of Oahu.

Today I hiked the Tandy Sanatorium with a nice young Native American lady from Eastern Washington, she being Tootsie Tonasket, also known as Princess Thunder Rump of the Tonasket Tribe.

Tootsie was being an amusing hiker today. Tootsie used to be shy, back when I first knew her. The current version of Tootsie is no longer shy. I attribute this to years of me treating her with aversion therapy. Whatever that means.

It is not hot today. Only 73 at 5 in the afternoon. I have less than 2 hours to get my voting taken care of. I must hit the publish button on this blogging and then head for the polls.

I got a very interesting email this morning from Japan, from Junji Shirai. Junji Shirai was not happy about something shocking he learned on my blog and Eyes on Texas website. When I get back from voting I'll try and remember to blog about Junji Shirai and what he told me...

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