Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, And All You Other Mothers Out There

That's my Ma & Pa in the cowboy hats, first week of January, 2009, with Lake Grapevine behind them.

I wonder if they wear their cowboy hats in Arizona? I suspect not.

I called my Mom the last time I got gas, this past Friday, but I got the answering machine, with my Dad's answering machine message which is a borderline poem. If I remember right, it is the rhyming of phone and tone that makes the message sound like a poem.

When my Mom didn't answer the phone I called my sister who lives nearby. That call also went to the answering machine. My sister's answering machine message is not poetic.

Now that you've got me thinking about it, I can't remember the last time someone answered the phone when I called. Everyone has Caller I.D. I have no idea why no one wants to talk to me.

On a brighter note, I went swimming this morning for the first time since the morning of April 21. The newly lined pool is so smooth that it's slippery to do the walk through the water part of my swimming routine. I sort of like the change.

I suppose I'll make a rare non-gas related phone call to my Mom today because it is Mother's Day. I'll likely get the poetic answering machine.

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