Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crazy Talk AKA The Fort Worth Way From Mayor Mike Moncrief

That is Fort Worth's corrupt goofball Mayor Mike Moncrief shooting up downtown Fort Worth, like a celebrating Iraqi in downtown Baghdad.

Yesterday one of my sources emailed me about a Fort Worth City Council meeting where, apparently, Mike Moncrief nakedly exposed bare the corruption that is at the heart of what is not quite right with how way too much operates in Fort Worth.

Currently there is some controversy in Fort Worth over the predatory behavior of Pawn Shops, taking advantage of the desperate, while charging usurious interest rates.

Cash America is the biggest of the Pawn Shops. The headquarters of Cash America is located on 7th Avenue, due east of the Trinity River.

Recently, the Cash America Pawn Shop, out of the goodness of its corporate heart, donated a strip of land to the city for the expansion of the Trinity River Bridge. Mayor Mike Moncrief, when questioned by WFAA-TV, said the strip of land, that Cash America gave the city, was valued at around $2 million.

At the recent Fort Worth City Council meeting Moncrief was grilled about the Cash America Land Deal. He then backtracked regarding the value of the strip of land, saying it was a figure he made up to illustrate a point. Moncrief did not explain what point he was illustrating by making up a figure.

According to the public appraisal records, the 2.5 acre strip of land is valued at $3.4 million an acre, which, according to my rudimentary math skills, would make this land donation, by the Cash America Pawn Shop, worth $8.5 million.

Fort Worth's corrupt Mayor Mike Moncrief went on to say there was nothing unseemly or untoward about the generous donation from Cash America. That it was simply doing business "The Fort Worth Way."

You out there in the parts of America that don't do business the Fort Worth Way, allow me to explain. Oh, and by the way, the City Council did not act to put any restrictions on the Pawn Shops. What is the term for that? Quid pro quo? I am not sure. I never learned Latin. But I do know that quid pro quo is The Fort Worth Way.

In Fort Worth, civic corruption is the status quo. For example, Mayor Mike Moncrief is on the take from the gas drilling companies, poking holes all over his town, to the tune of over $600,000 a year. In other parts of America this is what is known as a very serious conflict of interest, which would land a politician in jail. In Fort Worth it is called The Fort Worth Way.

In Fort Worth a company comes to town, like Cabela's, sells the city a bill of goods about building a sporting goods store that will become the top tourist attraction in Texas. The City of Fort Worth gives Cabela's all sorts of concessions. A short time later Cabela's announces another store in Texas, down by Austin, thus making obvious the degree to which the City of Fort Worth was snookered. No one is held accountable, no one even admits they were snookered. The City just moves on to its next boondoggle. This is The Fort Worth Way.

Radio Shack wants a new corporate headquarters. A headquarters that would obliterate what was, really, the only thing in downtown Fort Worth that was something no other big city had, as in, huge, free parking lots, with a subway to take parkers to the heart of downtown. Eminent domain was abused to remove a big public housing project, the headquarters was built, Radio Shack could not afford it. And now the Radio Shack campus is the campus of a new branch of Tarrant County College. Boondoggle. It's The Fort Worth Way.

A business wants to run a non-odorized, high pressure natural gas pipeline down an avenue in Fort Worth called Carter. The City of Fort Worth does not act to protect its citizens, instead it helps the business, Chesapeake Energy, abuse eminent domain, including the City of Fort Worth ordering City of Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtrooper Raids on the home of the last holdout on Carter Avenue, Steve Doeung. In the rest of America a city, doing such a thing, would be considered a criminal act. In Fort Worth it is just The Fort Worth Way.

Anyway, enough about the Fort Worth Way. It's all very perplexing to me. When is the FBI ever going to find the time to investigate all the nefarious shenanigans that go on in these parts?


  1. The FBI is not allowed in Fort Worth. It's not The Fort Worth Way.

  2. Maybe Homeland Security would be more appropriate since these people and their willful actions are not only threatening and harming the rights and well-being of the citizens THEY ARE TERRORIZING AMERICAN CITIZENS. You think I'm exaggerating, ask Steve Dueong and his family. Ask the families of tasing and police beat downs. Ask the people having to live with all the dirty practices related to gas drilling. Or the hundreds, and maybe thousands, of eminent domain abuse victims related to gas pipelines and the TRV. OR ASK YOURSELF: WHERE'S THE NEXT GAS WELL GOING TO POP UP (NEAR HOME, SCHOOL, CHURCH, ETC.)AND WILL YOUR FRONT YARD BE STRIPPED FROM YOU TO RUN MASSIVE GAS PIPELINES? This is homegrown-homeland terrosism. Terror is terror no matter who is behind the felt terror.

  3. Love this! Thanks for posting. Can we look at the whole City Council and not just the Mayor? They are the ones who allow him to get away with what he does. All 9 are guilty as hell!!
