Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wandering Through A Forest Of Tandy Hills Prickly Pear Cactus With Other Conundrums

That's a forest of Prickly Pear Cactus I'm wandering through, under a semi-cloudy, 80 degree warm, sky, on the Tandy Hills, this afternoon.

For reasons we need not discuss, I was stuck on the Tandy Hills longer than I'd anticipated. It is likely that even with the partial cloud cover I have managed to acquire a slight sunburn.

I got back here later than I'd planned. Had lunch. Checked email to see Washington's Scrabble Queen had Scrabbled. I answered email then went to Facebook to Scrabble. Facebook was having "Communications Errors" that Facebook said they were working on.

In other words, Scrabble was not working. So, no Scrabbling.

In the same email that told me there was some possible Scrabbling to do, I got email from Betty Jo Bouvier, the Wild Woman of Woolley, sending me a file she thought I might find of interest. But my computer can't figure out what program opens this file. I tried one that should work for a text type file, to no avail.

Also in that same batch of email was one that related to what Betty Jo was sending me, that being a comment from Sarah R. about a blogging from a few days ago titled, "I Have Had My Last Chance With the 2010 Census Bureau."

Sarah commented,"I had to fill this out for my foster son who is Hispanic. I was left stupefied as to what to fill in for race. He's definitely not white. I searched the web. The Census website was useless. I finally filled in Other and listed him as Central American Indian. Asian cultures got all sorts of choices and are approximately 13.5 million of them in the US, but 46.9 million Hispanics. Maybe Asians have better lobbyists?"

Sarah, I'm thinking a better explanation is that, along with a lot of America, the government, for the most part, has gone insane.

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