Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm No Longer LOST At Finding Miss Beth On My TV

After viewing I don't know how many episodes without success, last night I finally, successfully, spotted my favorite TV Star, Miss Beth, aka Princess Oahu, on LOST.

LOST is like 24 to me. I get too caught up in the story, in suspending disbelief, in enjoying what I'm watching, to put my consciousness in a different location and recognize someone.

It helped that last night Miss Beth was not being a messed up survivor of a plane crash. Instead she was looking like herself, so when Miss Beth walked past Desmond, I instantly recognized her. I would have recognized her even if I didn't know I should be looking for her. I think. Even though she was in soft focus, with the camera sharp on Desmond.

Only a few more episodes of LOST. Not a lot of time left to make sense out of this wonderfully convoluted story.


  1. What a beautiful star. You really know her in person???

  2. She is even more beautiful in person. So, yes, I know this beautiful star, ever since we were teenagers. I know her so well I've gone on a moonlit swim with her without proper swimwear. Although I do not remember this, others confirm it as fact. I do not believe I have done such a thing with any other Movie or TV Stars. I was hoping to make a visit to her compound on Oahu, but, like most everything I try to do, I've not been able to make that happen.

  3. I'd recognize her anywhere, especially if I weren't wearing my glasses.
