Thursday, April 1, 2010

Viva Durango Vegas Adios Durango Texas

If all goes according to plan I should be seeing the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada sign sometime on Monday.

That's right. I'm finally leaving Texas. The moving van is supposed to be here sometime this morning. Loading today, exiting tomorrow, heading west via I-20.

First stop will be in Wink, to pick up a Queen. Leaving Wink Saturday morning.

Then on to Phoenix to see my parental units. Leaving Phoenix Monday morning. Las Vegas about 6 hours later.

I have an apartment waiting for me. I rented it via a website. It's got a nice pool. Due to the past couple days being so HOT, this first day of April had my Texas pool water finally warm enough that I swam for over a half hour this morning. Maybe I will get one more Texas swim in, Friday morning.

Saturday, April 24, the Queen of Wink and I have an appointment at the Elvis Wedding Chapel. From Texas, Elsie Hotpepper and my former fiance, Miss Puerto Rico, plan to attend. My therapist, Dr. L.C., will not be in Vegas due to disapproving of these moves. What a sourpuss.

I'm assuming my mom and dad will be in Vegas on the 24th. This should please the Wild Woman of Woolley, formerly known as Miss CVB, now known as Betty Jo Bouvier. Most people insist I not use their real names on my blog, but the former Miss CVB, yesterday, told me she does not care to be known as Miss CVB and prefers I use her real name. I tell you, you just never know. So that makes only Elsie Hotpepper and Betty Jo who's real names I use. I don't know if Betty Jo Bouvier is going to be in Vegas on the 24th.

I got a call a couple days ago from that former friend of mine from Tacoma who traumatized me the last time I suffered through a month in that fair town. Lulu (not her real name) apologized, quite profusely, for her bad behavior while I was in Tacoma and since. She also told me she has lost over 500 pounds and can once more board a plane. So, Lulu will also be in Vegas on the 24th. That should be interesting.

Well, I've got a lot of work to get done today, including going on my last hike on the Tandy Hills, before leaving Texas.

This may be my last posting to my Durango Texas blog. My new blog will be Durango Vegas. Viva Durango Vegas. Adio Durango Texas.


  1. I believe I have everything packed. The boys from the prison were kind enough to follow me home today and lend assistance. I've given the animals to mommy and daddy, but we'll have to bring the kids...I'm looking forward to seeing less of Lulu as well :-)

  2. Anonymous, that exclamation! point, almost makes it sound like you are glad to see me go.

  3. CT2---
    Thank you for realizing the dogs could not go to Vegas. I did not know how I was going to bring up that sensitive subject.

  4. Oh, it's no problem darlin'... there are other things UP in the air that we should discuss, but we can wait until the honeymoon ;-)

  5. Steve A, I have not noticed this slowness of which you speak.

  6. Me too, buddy. Can I catch a ride?

  7. I fell for it completely

    I was about to leave my real name here and wish you good luck in Vegas.

  8. BTW, you got me on this. It was only yesterday that I realized that this must have been posted on the day it was posted.

    Well done.
