Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last Day Of March HOTTEST Day Of The New Year In Fort Worth

It is past 5. I think we've hit our high for the day. The temperature did not make it to the predicted 88 high. It didn't even make it to the Anonymous Confederate's predicted high of 84. Almost though.

At 83.2 this is the HOTTEST day of the new year. I think it portends well for a HOT summer. Last summer was not all that HOT. Only a few days over 100.

My first summer in Texas was my HOTTEST summer in Texas. If I remember right there were something like 40 days over 100.

The Wild Woman of Woolley, Miss CVB, reports it is only 48 in Woolley. Woolley is in Washington. How do those people live in such a cold climate?

Due to the temperature finally getting back to what it is supposed to be in Texas I stayed in the pool for a long time this morning. That was a really good thing.

I was in the North Metroplex zone for a few hours today. That pushed my daily strenuous hike off a few hours. I returned from that a bit after 5.

All in all, a very good day. I'm happy being semi-HOT, windows open, ceiling fan spinning. No A/C running. Weather perfection.

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