Monday, April 26, 2010

The Sunny Green View From Miss Puerto Rico's Formerly Snowy Balcony

You are looking at the Sunday afternoon view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony. As you can see the view has gotten way greener than the same view a couple months ago.

We had ourselves the most wintry Winter this Winter, outdoing all my previous Texas Winters, with its icy, snowy, cold Wintriness.

Currently this Spring is being the mildest Spring of all my previous Texas Springs. I can not remember the last time I've heard the tornado sirens. I've only felt compelled to turn on my air-conditioning a couple times, so far, with my windows being able to be open way more often than I recollect in prior times.

I do not know if this trend bodes ill or well for the coming Summer. Last Summer we did not have very many 100 degree plus days. My Hottest Summer in Texas, I don't remember which year, but I do remember there were dozens of days over 100 degrees.

I'm guessing we are heading towards a record breaking Super Hot Summer. I'm usually wrong about such things. It'll likely turn out to be a record breaking Super Cold Summer, now that that Global Warming brouhaha has turned out be a myth.

I do know for almost absolute certainty that it will not get cold enough, this Summer, to cause a repeat of the snowy, February 12, view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony.

I am returning to the Tandy Hills today on a Sunglasses Search Mission. Wish me luck.

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