Sunday, April 25, 2010

Losing My Sunglasses On A 13 Hill Sunday Hike In Texas

Well, I had myself some heavy duty aerobicizing this super fine Sunday in Texas.

Due to the temporary loss of my pool I've amped up the hiking. Today I decided to go for a record of going up 10 hills.

As is often the case with my best planned plans, the 10 hill hike plan went awry.

About a half hour into hiking I had a feeling something was not right, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

A half hour or so later I was heading towards my final hill, number 10, when I realized what was wrong.

I was missing my sunglasses.

I'd taken the sunglasses off to take the picture above of the Butterfly Wildflower. This location was the only location where I took pictures today, of the Butterfly Wildflower and a Yellow Orange Wildflower.

The Butterfly Wildflower location was 2 hills back, from the point when I realized I was not wearing sunglasses. By the time I got to the spot where I'd taken off the sunglasses, I'd now climbed 11 hills.

I did not find my sunglasses. Miss Puerto Rico called while I was looking for them. Apparently I am going over to Miss PR's later today.

By the time I got back to my vehicle I'd climbed a total of 13 hills, spending over an hour and a half hiking and sunglass hunting.

I am feeling just a little over exercised at this point in time. And I don't like my backup sunglasses. Maybe I'll find the missing pair tomorrow.

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