Sunday, April 4, 2010

Master Martha Will Be QiGonging April 24 At Fort Worth's Tandy Hills Prairie Fest

You are looking at a group of Texans in, I think, Veterans Park in Arlington, celebrating the 2009 World Tai Chi/ QiGong Day.

I mentioned Tai Chi/ QiGong yesterday in regards to the upcoming Prairie Fest on April 24.

This morning I came upon information that elaborates on my slightly erroneous information that I blogged yesterday.

I had identified the QiGonger as a nurse known as Dr. M. F.

I assumed the doctor title came from being a doctor of QiGonging. I was wrong.

First off, the QiGonger in question is not a nurse. I was misinformed regarding that. The QiGonger is known as Martha Fiddes, Master of QiGonging.

Master Martha has a QiGong Website. From that website I learned that, "QiGong is a system of health care that is over 2500 years old. It refers to the ability to use breathing, postures and gentle exercises, meditation and focused intention to allow the natural energy in the body to flow correctly. When energy flows in the body correctly the body is AT EASE. When there is an interruption in the flow of energy we have DIS-EASE. We practice QiGong to prevent disease and to provide self-healing once disease occurs. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes QiGong as a vital form of medical care."

World Tai Chi/ QiGong Day is April 24, 2010, the same day as the Prairie Fest.

Here is what Master Martha has to say about that, "On Saturday afternoon I will provide a QiGong and Sunstyle program at the wonderful Fort Worth Prairie Fest at Tandy Park. Our practice will start at 3:00 PM. Again, no experience is necessary, just a willing heart and smile!"

You can also visit Master Martha's website for more information about QiGong. You will want to have a magnifying glass due to the font size being very very small. It must be a QiGong thing to help exercise your eyes.

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