Saturday, April 3, 2010

Anonymously Bugging Me In Texas

Most of the ubiquitous Anonymous comments I get I don't mind getting. But lately I've been getting dozens a day, with a lot of HTML gibberish. It gets to be a pain to delete them.

What is the motivation for this behavior? I have trouble believing it actually generates any business with anyone actually ordering the, uh, "enhancement" products offered.

These type Anonymous comments are obviously some sort of automatic thing, no human is sitting there, pathetically sending out these comments over and over and over again.

Which leads to the other Anonymous comment of late, which is really pathetic, because a live human is actually typing these comments.

This Anonymous currently is calling him/her/itself "The Confederate." All the comments are variations of a theme. I'm clueless. I'm a moron. I'm stupid. I'm I forget what else. Oh, I need to leave Texas. Texas does not want me here. I don't understand Texas or Texans. I'm a Carpetbagger and Yankee Trash.

Stuff like that. It's sort of amusing. I've hit the publish button on a couple of them due to the being amusing thing. Although the Anonymous Confederate doesn't get that he/she/it is being amusing or accidentally ironic.

If the Anonymous Confederate makes one of his/her/its comments to this blogging and if it is funny, I'll hit the publish button. If not, I'll hit the delete button. I am guessing it's gonna be a delete. Then again, I'm a clueless moron, what do I know?


  1. Like most Texans, the "anonymous confederate" doesn't understand that you (and I) are not Yankee Trash at all, but Western Trash. Which is an altogether different and superior breed altogether.

    Has this "anonymous confederate" told you who "Old Tice" is? If not, he's just a poseur...

  2. No Steve A, I suspect the Anonymous Confederate would not be able to process the who is Old Tice question. He/she/its a Dummy Confederate.

  3. Someone's a dummy and an unwilling confederate in a spamming operation. That's why it's a good idea to keep your virus scanner up to date and have a program that'll search for trojans, keyloggers and the like, such as Spybot. Someone's computer is sending out spam mail and they're probably not even aware of it.
