Monday, March 1, 2010

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake Listening To Tootsie Tonasket's Tale Of A Washington State Gestapo Stormtrooper Raid

The picture is from Sunday, feeding the birds at Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park in sunny Fort Worth.

There was a thick frost on roofs and windows when I did my icy Sunday morning dip yesterday.

This morning there was no dip due to a constant drip. Yes, rain has returned. It's like I am back living in the Pacific Northwest, which is currently having one of its most balmy winters ever, with buds sprouting and flowers blooming way too early.

Yesterday when I walked around Fosdic Lake I talked to Tootsie Tonasket and heard the bizarre explanation for the plea for help she left on my phone late Friday.

The Tootsie Tonasket voice mail message was "the police are here and are yelling at me to come out with my hands in the air. Do I have to do that?"

Tootsie was calling me, 2,200 or more miles distant, to ask what to do while police were yelling at her to surrender?

One of the more bizarre messages I've ever gotten, and that covers a lot of bizarre messages. The story of what lead to that phone message and what happened after that is also very bizarre.

As I listened to Tootsie's tale I was thinking to myself, this is the type stuff that happens here in Texas, in Fort Worth, in particular, not in a bucolic little town in Eastern Washington.

The sky continues to drip. I'm thinking maybe the first day of the new month of March is my one day of the month to do nothing aerobic, as much as that pains me.

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