Monday, March 1, 2010

Fort Worth's New Favorite Son Steve Doeung's Got People In The Eminent Domain Abuse Capital Of The World

This morning we hear from Fort Worth's #1 Watchdog, Don Young, about Fort Worth's #1 Lone Ranger, Steve Doeung, regarding the growing feistiness that seems to be erupting from the Victims of the Shale in the Eminent Domain Abuse Capital of the World.

Below is what Don Young had to say. And below that you can see and hear Steve Doeung, via a YouTube video, regarding Thursday morning's CARO (Carter Avenue Rescue Operation) Rally...

Something like a tsunami of outrage is rolling over Fort Worth in support of Steve Doeung and the thousands like him who have been bullied by lawless gas drillers who are trying to ram dangerous NG pipelines AND extraction operations into our neighborhoods.

Steve sent out a message in a bottle last year that has finally been discovered by a once-sleeping public. His next court hearing is this Thursday morning. You need to be there.

The alarm bell is ringing. Momentum is growing. Apathy is yielding to action. People are angry and ready to fight back, not just for Steve but what his case stands for.

The multi-headed enemy is clearly defined:

Chesapeake Energy Mayor Mike Moncrief Exxon Mobil TX RRC Sarah Fullenwider TCEQ Julie Wilson XTO Ken Barr FW Chamber Of Commerce ENRON O & G Apathy Aubrey McClendon Devon Energy Ignorance Greed Range Resources Quicksilver Energy Business As Usual Add Your Own ___________Etc., Etc., Ad Nauseam.

If you've had enough abuse from gas drillers and their enablers, come join Steve's People on the courthouse steps.

What: CARO (Carter Avenue Rescue Operation)
When: Thursday, March 4th, 2010
Time: 7:30 am
Where: Tarrant County Courthouse steps, 100 W. Weatherford St., Downtown Fort Worth


  1. Uh, OH. Firtst I got chased out of Boston by a bunch of Yankees and now this. I'm supposed to feel safe and secure in my "home" base here, with the imposing (and symbolic) towers four blocks away from this court house serving as a fortress of protection and domination. I just really DO NOT need this, you "citizens of the shale". Before you who call yourselves Americans and U.S. citizens get too excited and hopefull, remember I too HAVE FRIENDS-- IN VERY HIGH PLACES!!Fair warning. Now get behind the shale or else---Aubrey "I Own People" Mc.

  2. Nice to hear from you Mr. McClendon. Are you planning on attending the CARO rally Thursday morning? Or should we just hang you in effigy?

  3. Either that's Bob Dylan's long lost son standing next to Steve in the video clip or he's one serious rallier armed and ready to raise some awareness. I don't think Aubrey will be attending such as democratic and transparent process. he prefers doing his deeds in the dark and behind closed doors. BUT DON'T SURPRISED IF HIS EMPLOYEES AND EVEN HIS PAID-FOR FW LAW ENFORCEMENT SHOW UP TO INTIMIDATE OR JUST SPY ON THE AMERICAN CITIZENS EXERCISNG THEIR RIGHTS IN THIS LIVING SHALE CALLED fORT wORTH.
