Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Waddling In Arlington's Veterans Park On A Balmy Tuesday In Texas

As you can it is a beautiful blue sky winter Tuesday in Texas today.

75 degrees, windows open.

Sunday and Monday, rain prevented, well, made unpleasant, trying to do anything outdoors. I think all this bad weather caused sloth is part of what may be behind my out of control weight gain. I think I mentioned earlier today, or maybe it was yesterday, that I've blimped up to 210.

So, today I was in Arlington, which meant it was convenient to waddle my hefty girth on the trails in Veterans Park. I need to do a lot of waddling to melt away these extra 40 pounds I'm lugging around.

I need to lose all this lard before it's swimming season and I'm out in public in a swimming suit. This morning in I was in a swimming suit and swimming, but I was not out in public, as in, no one saw me looking like a bleached white beached whale. With all this added adipose tissue I'm thinking I likely am able to float quite easily. Maybe I'll give that a try in the morning.

All the extra insulative adipose tissue may be what makes it so easy to get into cold water.

Anyway, I am having a happy day. I'm a very simple person and it does not take much to make me happy. Blue sky usually is all it takes.


  1. I feel your pain. I was thinking about joining a health club and maybe even visiting it, every once in awhile, but if I do, it's just another hole in the pocket I can live without.

  2. I'm thinking once I am back able to spend a half hour or more swimming and back with the Tandy Hills dried out on a regular basis, I should be able to quickly melt off this lard I'm waddling around town with. I am such an optimist.

  3. Not so fast, lardboy. We are ordering more rain and storms for today. You'll get so fat and slow that you can't go to any more silly rallies and such.--Your beloved leaders Mikey M. and Aubry Mc.
