Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anonymous Comments About Steve Doeung, Bad Reporting & The Cartergate Scandal

My favorite blog commenter, the Ubiquitous Anonymous, has been real busy lately making a lot of real good comments, some too good not to repeat in a fresh blogging, like right now.

The first comment from Anonymous was inspired the by picture you see here, of Steve Doeung heading up the Tarrant County Courthouse steps, last Thursday, while a crowd of supporters rallied around him.

The second comment from Anonymous was also about what took place last Thursday, commenting on a blogging I titled "Cartergate, The Star-Telegram & Other Fort Worth Texas Scandals."

The first Anonymous comment....

"What a symbolic photograph--poor little man climbing the steps determined to assert his precious rights (and for his neighbors and nation, based on his many statements and actions) to where "power" awaits him, in the forms of armed court guards, tailor-suited lawyers wheeling in file boxes (not sure if there's anything in having to do with this little case but looked mighty impressive, though), and a stern judge staring down at him from the above in the courtroom. However, the picture shows a man walking up to face "power" knowing that the POWER of the PEOPLE and the power of the American Way (as symbolized by the flag and sign held proudly by determined and supportive fellow citizens) were with him. Too bad Norman Rockwell is not around to memorialize this very American scene. KEEP SHOWING THIS AND OTHER PICTURES BECAUSE CHK, THE CITY, AND THE STAR-TELEGRAM DON'T WANT THE PEOPLE TO SEE THEM--for obvious reasons. If there were a picture of Steve shaking his fist in defiance at the CHK's Tower of Power (formerly the Pier 1 Building)."

And the second Anonymous comment...

"We were inside the courthouse too but couldn't get in due to the courtroom being too crowded (at least that's what the two armed security/bailiffs standing guard at the front of the courtroom said anyway). We did hang around long enough to watch as about two dozen giddy people came out of the courtroom chattering excitedly in small groups. We couldn't help but notice that the two fancy-dressing men hauling file boxes went to a corner and spoke 10-15 minutes with a bearded man who was scribbling down notes of what they said. The same bearded man then appeared to ask Steve one quick question as he made his way out of the area. He sure did not appear to be interested in what Steve or anyone else there had to say. Two tv stations' camera men and one tv reporter hung around patiently to interview other people and eventually Steve himself. But we didn't see any other reporters/journalists around. Good thing you were there, Durango. keep up the good work and keep calling out these so-called journalists and news reporters b/c they can and should do better. "


  1. Have you looked at the Chesapeake Energy Twitter page lately? I would swear that it's some sort of parody page if I didn't know better.

    Hey forget about us running gas lines under people's front yards; here's a chesapeake coloring book for your kid.

  2. One of the scariest things about all this is the fact that the invaders and oppressors are going after our children's minds and hearts--as in brainwashing. They don't seem to care about the literal hearts and lungs of the children. The other picture from the rally that is posted on CT&CT's site is also such a powerful visual and symbol from this rally. Of course, the five young children's leading the Pledge of Allegiance to start the CARO Rally was a very touching moment that was pregnant with a multitude of symbolisms amd meanings, including the reaffirmation in the Americam Way (over the so called FW Way and "citizen of the shale" B.S.)and the little girl who drove into town from far west Texas with her parents to provide support in this modern day Alamo--that will not end the same way as the original BECAUSE WE ADULTS HAVE LEARNED FROM HISTORY (hopefully enough of us have, anyway) and are determined NOT TO LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF. The tide has turned in the Carter Ave. Alamo but the battle is far from over. What's next, "volunteer" commander from Washington?
