Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Texas Turns Arctic While The Northwest Turns Tropical

That is a Dallas school kid on a sled on a hill in Highland Park by Turtle Creek, sledding during a rare snow day caused by the record breaking over a foot of snow we had fall on us here, in North Texas.

This has been the harshest winter since I've been in Texas. My memory of winter in Washington has faded, but I really don't remember this harsh a winter in Washington.

Almost every day this winter when I first log in to read the local papers, online, I make note of that morning's low temperature. Practically every day this winter I'd see the local temperature and then go to the Seattle P-I and see it 20 to 30 degrees warmer.

This is not normal.

Yesterday I was talking to a Western Washingtonian, based in the balmy Skagit Valley, telling me about the record breaking HOT winter and the resulting early blooming of things that are not supposed to bloom in winter.

However, right at this very moment, coming up on 10am, I am reading 43 here in Fort Worth. I just checked on Seattle and it is also 43. A rare instance of being equally cold this winter.

The bizarre weather was brought to mind by a letter to the editor in today's Dallas Morning News. The letter was from Harold Whittington from Garland, Texas.

Below is what Harold had to say...

Normally, I don't get into the Winter Olympics, but I really did this year, watching every night. I even watched curling and ice dancing -- in front of other people.

After the final ceremonies, I tried to determine why I had this newfound interest in an event that I had largely ignored over the years. I could come to only one conclusion -- it was the weather.

It's hard to get jazzed up about the frigid Winter Olympics when you just finished washing your car in 70-plus-degree weather wearing jeans, a T-shirt and flip-flops. The transition is just too much.

This year, however, it was different. Our weather on some days didn't look too much different than the weather at the Winter Olympics. The fantasy was complete!

1 comment:

  1. I happened to venture up to Vancouver for a few Olympic events. While we (wife and I) were there, I was snowboarding on Grouse Mountain in a T-Shirt, it was just to hot to wear a jacket. Not to mention we were almost snowboarding on dirt at the end of the runs. Crazy weather indeed.
