Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We Won't Pipe Down: Americans to Save Fort Worth's Carter Avenue

Well. Yesterday I committed a massive faux pas. I was asked if I could possibly make a logo for the CARO Project Press Release. I always do what I'm asked to do, so I made a logo.

The original logo said "We Won't Pipe Down: North Texans to Save Carter Avenue: Rescue Operation."

Can you spot the mistake that had me receiving blistering emails this morning? Okay, I'm exaggerating. They weren't all blistering.

I heard from several CARO supporters who are not located in North Texas, including one full of umbrage West Texan, a couple from Oklahoma, a guy from Austin, another guy from California and an acquaintance of mine from Washington.

So, changing "North Texas" to "Americans" should fix the problem. Unless I hear now from a Canadian, Mexican or Iranian. If I do, it is easy to change "Americans" to "World."

Come to think of it, this really should be a Global Cause.


  1. i am koming to help ma unklel

    Preston Taylor, 5 year old

  2. Will be good to see you again, Preston.

  3. Be careful with all the one-way streets and bicycle cops. If possible don't use the 2 cents/minute metered parking on the street that require lots of coins and possible citation for expired meter but park in the multi-level garage (a block EAST of the rally location)next to the new Family Law Center/courts. Get there early, bring your own signs, etc.
