Thursday, February 25, 2010

We Won't Pipe Down: Huge Downtown Fort Worth Rally Of Support For Steve Doeung & Carter Avenue

Steve Doeung likens his fight to save his home from Chesapeake Energy and the City of Fort Worth's efforts to take his home using eminent domain, to being like those who fought in the Alamo.

Fighting against stronger forces. The weak against the strong. In that sense, the Alamo metaphor works. But, in the end, the defenders of the Alamo lost the battle and all the brave defenders were dead.

We want a different outcome for Steve Doeung and the people of Carter Avenue in their fight against Chesapeake Energy's plan to run a non-odorized natural gas pipeline under their homes.

The last time Steve Doeung was in court, to face his Chesapeake tormentors, he was supported by only one person, he being Fort Worth's #1 Watchdog, Don Young.

I remember this bothered me a lot. I believe I blogged about how appalled I was at the apathetic attitude of the people of Fort Worth regarding this bizarre case of eminent domain abuse. I wondered why the people of Carter Avenue were not there in the courtroom supporting Steve Doeung. I wondered why others were not there. I wondered why there was no organized protest over the fact that Chesapeake Energy was continuing its persecution of this fighting American, even after Chesapeake Energy let it be known there was an alternate route for their controversial pipeline.

Steve Doeung is back in court, early Thursday morning on March 4.

This time Steve Doeung and Don Young will not be alone.

A disparate group of Americans has come together in the past few days and have organized the Carter Avenue Rescue Operation.

There will be a rally of support starting at 7:30 am. Speakers at the rally include Louis McBee, Glen Bucy, Billy Mitchell and DISH Mayor, Calvin Tillman.

It is a week until D-Day. More speakers may be added, or come forward wishing to speak.

It is very easy to get to downtown Fort Worth. Just follow the signs to Sundance Square, where you will find a lot of parking lots.


  1. Durango--wow, we should have paid closer attention and speak up sooner. You see, we work in one of those office buildings a block over from Steve D's house and now recall wondering why his block was full of FWPD squad cars and several white police cruiser type cars, trucks, and even an SUV (maybe Code Enforcement vehicles?--couldn't make out the logos on the doors from our view). We thought that there was a meth lab bust or something bad like that on that early July morning last summer. We even expressed happiness to see the local law enforcements shut down such nasty activities. Sadly, we now know what was actually happening --after the truth came out recently. This is scary @#$%^--in America? in 2009?
    We'll try to make up for our mis-assumptions next Thursday.

  2. Anonymous---
    I'd not thought about it, but one day last summer I was leaving the Tandy Hills after way too much HOT hiking and headed to Beach Street via Carter Avenue. There were all these police cars, I figured a bad guy had done something bad. Now I'm wondering if it was a good guy doing something good and the bad guy's, in the form of the Fort Worth Police Gestapo, doing something bad.

    See and hear you next Thursday, Anonymous!
