Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Watching Fosdic Lake Duck Gangs With Diminished Cerebral Function & A Broken Heart

It is 55 outside, right now, at 5pm. I almost overheated walking around Fosdic Lake at Oakland Lake Park in today's Groundhog Day repeat.

I was up at Southlake at noon, my usual routine rendered all asunder.

I am currently on a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-pain medication. It seems to be working, but I don't think my cerebral function is running quite up to normal mode.

I don't know what got me thinking about it, because I haven't in a long time, but, on the way to Fosdic Lake I was thinking about my sister's hostile behavior, directed at me, starting in 2006, continuing in 2008, re-enforced since. I had no clue then and none now as to what motivated the choice to act so overtly hostile. It was difficult to suddenly find myself dealing with difficult people, particularly when they are relatives, when in my regular existence I don't tolerate being around difficult people with personality disorders. It's sort of a lifelong policy of mine.

Anyway, so that's what I was thinking about on the drive to Fosdic Lake, a long 3 mile drive, so I had a lot of time to think. When I parked and exited my vehicle, I saw on the pavement a perfect metaphor for how I was feeling. A broken heart that had chewing gum spit on it.

It was so nice to be out walking with the sun warming up the place for the first time in awhile. The ducks seemed to be being really happy. There was a lot of quacking and another noise I'd not heard the ducks make before. As I watched one Duck Gang move towards another Duck Gang I thought I was about to witness a duck version of the Crips vs. Bloods. Instead as the Duck Gangs entered each other's space they started acting as if they were mingling, and began making a squeaky, chirpy noise, as if they were talking to each other.

And then the leader of the Crips waddled out of the water, followed by both gangs. I thought they were going to move on me, because I was sitting on a park bench, like a stereotypical old man in a park with nothing better to do, but, instead of looking to me for food, the ducks were on a foraging mission, getting something to eat that was laying in the grass.

The picture above was taken on the opposite side of Fosdic Lake from where I watched the Duck Gangs. I was too fixated on watching the Duck Gangs, mingle and waddle, to think of pulling the camera out. Like I said, above, diminished cerebral function.

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